February 18, 2025

What is workers compensation insurance

what is workers compensation insurance-min

workers compensation insurance

What is workers compensation insurance, If you are the victim of an accident on the way to work, it is the industrial accident insurance which intervenes for the compensation? Every private-sector employer is legally obliged to offer this protection to their staff.

What is a work accident?

Any accident which occurs to a worker in the course and by the fact of the performance of the work hire contract and which produces an injury. For there to be a work accident, there has to be an injury, an external cause, and a sudden event. The injury can be physical or mental. The cause or one of the causes must be external to the body of the victim. The sudden event distinguishes the occupational accident from illness and in particular from occupational illness. How time makes a difference in the success of a confined space rescue
The accident must occur during the performance of the employment contract. It must also occur as a result of the performance of the work: an accident that occurred while the victim left the company without authorization during working hours is not an accident at work. It can, therefore, occur at the workplace, or on the journey between two different workplaces. Types of fire extinguishers and their suitability

What to do after an industrial accident?

If someone witnessed your accident, it is best to ask them for their contact details so that you can later call them as a witness. This will provide you with additional proof of your work accident.
Then you must notify your employer as soon as possible, even if your accident does not prevent you from working. The employer must report the accident within 8 days of its occurrence. Working at heights procedure
Ask your doctor for a medical certificate. You will send this certificate as soon as possible containing the first medical observations to your employer, who in turn will give it to the industrial accident insurer.

Who should take out workers’ compensation insurance?

The employer is legally obliged to take out work accident insurance with an approved insurance company. Otherwise, he is automatically affiliated with the Workmen’s Compensation Fund. If a work accident occurs when there is a lack of insurance, this Fund will take care of this claim but will recover all of the disbursements from the defaulting employer.

What costs does workers compensation insurance reimburse?

If the work accident insurer recognizes that you have had a work accident or an accident on the way to work, you are entitled to:
compensation for your incapacity for work to compensate for the loss of wages suffered if you are unable to go to work;
reimbursement of your medical costs following the accident (including all surgical, pharmaceutical and hospital costs).

What is an accident on the way to work?

The way to work is the normal route that the worker must travel to get from his residence to the place of performance of the work, and vice versa. The necessary and reasonably justifiable detours are part of the normal journey. The detour or the interruption does not necessarily exclude the notion of the work path. It is according to the importance of the detour or the interruption and the reason for the detour or the interruption that the journey will keep its normal character or not. for more click here

When Finding Workers Compensation Insurance is Difficult

Anyone who employs paid staff is legally required to take out workers’ compensation insurance. Sometimes employers, faced with an exceptionally high risk of a work accident, cannot find work accident insurance.

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