February 18, 2025

How time makes a difference in the success of a confined space rescue

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An attendant is standing with rescue winch

How time makes a difference in the success of a confined space rescue is a very important matter to be kept in mind before commencing any work activity inside confined space. Confined space is a dangerous activity with many hazards as we expressed in our previous articles you can see those

Following time are very important while rescuing an employee from the confined space.

1 – Reaction Time

Time between the injured person inside confined space and call for rescue to an attendant acknowledging that the person is injured.

2 -Time of contact

The time taken by the confined space attendant to contact the rescue team. It must be immediate call. Remember attendant of the confined space should never attempt any emergency rescue his duty is to call and inform emergency rescue team.

3 – Response Time

The time taken by rescuers to reach the rescue site after contact or receiving an emergency call.

4 – Evaluation time

The time taken by a rescue team to analyse the problem and determine the strategy for a safe and efficient rescue. Before starting work inside confined space rescue plan should be in place.

5 – Preparation Time

The time taken by a rescue team to prepare for the rescue inside confined space it must be as low as possible better to prepare before starting any work inside confined space.

6 – Redemption Time

The time it takes the rescue team to reach, treat, prepare for movement and evacuate the confined space victim. Without preparation, conditioning, training and planning your chances of success in a confined space rescue are low according to existing statistics, in which case you have a 75% chance of failing.

Choosing the battles, you want to fight and be prepared for the ones you can’t choose can be the secret to success!

How time makes a difference in the success of a confined space rescue is a very important matter to be kept in mind before commencing any work inside confined space. Safety Managers need to be aware that the confined space rescue failure rates are too high for us because of not paying attention and not preparing for it. It is recommended that confined space rescue/evacuation training & drills should be conducted on the worksites on the periodical basis these drills and training help employees to remember and recoil their knowledge and duties properly in case of and emergency rescue inside confined space.

How to check gas inside confined space with Ventis MX4

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